Thursday 12 December 2013

A Song about Cherries with a Wintery Feeling to It

The ending-theme in one of this season's animes called "Golden Time" really caught my ear. It's called Sweet & Sweet Cherry and is sung by Yui Horie. However I found this really good cover by a fellow youtuber and I like it even more than the original. The chimes at the beginning of the song remind me of Christmas carols thus making it perfect for a cozy evening with a hot chocolate, while the world outside is mimicking a snow-globe. Have a nice winter everyone!

Thursday 28 November 2013

November Rain

 Combining fairy-key with bad weather will lead to something like this:

Thursday 7 November 2013

How to Handle A Nerdy Boyfriend

Let's say you meet this really nice guy at a party, you go out a couple of times and notice you're falling for him. But at the same time, when you get to know him better it turns out he's not just your ordinary once-in-a-while-gamer but has three types of game-consoles, a collection of comic-books and manga and is very fond of anime!?!

Talk about scaring off a girl!

But don't worry, if you really like this guy, there are a bunch of tricks you can use to make the relationship work. And they aren't even that complicated! ;)

Sunday 16 June 2013

Simon's Cat

Hello everybody!
Today I've decided on writing a short review on an animation that I've been following for over two years now and that never fails to amaze me with it's beautiful graphics and subtle humor.
Simon's Cat is a drawn feline character, that appeared at first in a frame to frame animated, online video called 'Cat Man Do' in March 2008. Ever since there have been many more short films but also comic-books and other merchandise depicting this charming cat's mischievous life.

Sunday 2 June 2013

It's raining...

In this part of Germany it's been awfully rainy these past few days... But it's not raining cats and dogs. No, it's raining giraffes with umbrellas!

Talking about a summer debut! ^_^

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Auf jeden Fall, riecht es nicht mehr nach Winter

Als ich abends aus dem Gebäude raus trat, kam mir eine warme Brise entgegen. Die Luft trug sanfte Geruchsnoten von Blüten, von Wein und frischgebackenem Kuchen. Sie war voller Erinnerungen von einem fernen Sommer, am Ufer eines Sees mit Gelächter, Gesang und Gitarrenklang.

Die warme Athmosphäre trug mich weiter. Ein Schritt nach dem anderen und ich betrat die Nacht. Und samt dem Sommertraum wurde ich verführt... zu einem stillen, langen Weg... nach Hause.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Clara Weather Charm

Hello everybody!
Have you heard of "Kuragehime" (meaning "Jellyfish Princess") by Higashimura Akiko?
It is a great manga that combines otaku with fashion and business-spirit in a very humorous way. The drawing style is also really good! If you like the genre slice of life, I really recommend reading this or watching the anime (which only shows the first part of the story, but is also very light and full of loughs).
This awesome manga served me as inspiration in making my first weather charm. And here it is:

my own interpretation of Clara, the jellyfish (also the mascot of "Kuragehime").

It is made out of some old pieces of white and pink cloth and the eyes and mouth are painted with fabric paint. There is also a trick of sewing the "neck" twice in order to get the head in the shape of a slightly squished sphere (an oblate spheroid) and the body as thin as possible right below the pink fabric.
Well, I don't know if this is what the author Higashimura Akiko had in mind when she thought Clara up, but this is the best I could do with my sewing skills.
Either way, the weather charm did actually make the latest days more sunny (although still a bit too cold for my taste).

Have nice and sunny spring days everyone!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Piranha Plant Plushie

What if instead of a colourful napkin or a red rose, there was a piranha plant coming out of your

This Mario games inspired figurine is fairly easy to make out of white, red and green felting wool. Because of these colours, I find it just right for the month of March. It could also be worn as a mărţişor.

If you want to see a tutorial on how to make this spotted cutie, let me know.

Have a nice spring everyone!

 "Dlup, Dlup, dlup..."